Corticosteroids are widely prescribed worldwide. It is estimated that, at any point of time, about 1% of the general population is receiving oral corticosteroids.
- This website aims to help patients and their families by publishing practical information about corticosteroids and corticosteroid therapies. However, this website is not intended to replace the advices
Cortisone-info is a website dedicatated to cortisone and corticosteroid therapies. It is totally independent of the pharmaceutical industry.
This website is primarily intended for patients and their families. The data are made available to the public for information and the website is in no way advertising. Cortisone-info was created without any financial support or sponsor and receives no subsidy from manufacturers (or others).
For its creation, this website was financially supported by ARCEMI (Association pour la Recherche Clinique et Epidémiologique en Médecine Interne), a public association.
This website was created and is regularly updated by Prof Laurence Fardet MD PhD, department of Dermatology, Henri Mondor hospital, Créteil, France.
The provided information is selected with the utmost care. It results from an extensive medical and scientific literature search. However, the information is made available for information purposes and not as a self-diagnostic tool or self-medication. This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. All available medical information must be detailed and explained by a qualified physician. This site is designed to support, not replace, the existing relationship between a patient and his/her doctor. Cortisone-info cannot be held liable for any damages, direct or indirect, of any nature resulting from the use, even partial, of information on this site.
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