Mood Changes

Mood changes Description: mood changes caused by corticosteroids are usually minors (e.g. insomnia, anxiety, irritablity, short-term memory loss and difficulty concentrating). In very rare cases, severe symptoms do appear (e.g. depression, delusions, euphoria). Frequency : minor mood changes are commonplace. For example, 40 to 50% of patients reported insomnia, irritability or anxiety. Severe [...]

2024-03-21T14:28:23+01:00March 20th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Bone Issues

Bone side effects Description: skeletal complications upon being treated with corticosteroids therapy are generally of two main types: Ostéoporose Osteoporosis (= fragile bones). At later stages, osteoporosis increases the risk of fractures, including those of the vertebrae and the femur. Fractures of the vertebrae can occur after trauma or simply spontaneously [...]

2024-03-21T14:34:46+01:00March 20th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Side effects on muscles and tendons

Muscles and tendons Description: corticosteroids weaken muscles and tendons. Myopathy can affect patients in the form of muscle weakness and can become troublesome in everyday life (climbing stairs, lifting). Usually, there is no muscle pain. Cortisone can also weaken the tendons but symptoms are usually non-existent and cases of tendon rupture are rare. [...]

2024-03-21T14:35:35+01:00March 20th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Infectious complications

Infections Description: steroids weaken the immune system. Due to this, they can cure a wide range of diseases. However, this means that the patient has a greater risk of being infected. In general, all types of infections (bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal) are more frequently observed in patients treated with corticosteroids. Infections can reach [...]

2024-03-21T14:36:01+01:00March 20th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |


Corticosteroids are effective treatments that improve and/or cure a wide range of diseases. However, you can't underestimate the fact that corticosteroids induce a number of side effects that are known to both physicians and patients. Many patients assume that undergoing treatment with corticosteroids means that they risk experiencing side effects. A study showed [...]

2024-03-21T14:37:46+01:00March 20th, 2024|Tags: , , , |


Diet There is little known about the optimal diet during corticosteroid therapy. Your eating habits should depend on your age, pre-existing conditions you may have (diabetes, etc) and the cortisone prescribed (dose, duration). Your diet will also depend largely on your physician's expertise based on your personal case. A low salt diet is [...]

2024-03-21T14:38:35+01:00March 20th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Supplementary medication(s)

Several treatments are frequently associated with corticosteroids when they are prescribed for many weeks or months Treatment to prevent osteoporosis is often prescribed (calcium, vitamin D, and in certain cases, biphosphonates) Some physicians prescribe a preventive treatment with potassium supplementation. Patients who report stomach pain after using cortisone mais receive an antiulcer treatment. [...]

2024-03-21T14:38:10+01:00March 20th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Discontinuation of treatment

Short-term corticosteroid therapy (i.e., a few days or weeks) may be quickly stopped without risk. Long-term therapies must be stopped more gradually in order to minimize the risk of adrenal insufficiency. The dose and duration of treatment will determine the pace at which treatment is stopped. There is no standard timetable. Some consider [...]

2024-03-21T14:36:52+01:00March 20th, 2024|Tags: , , |

What is its history?

What is its history? The Role of the Adrenal Glands Since the 1800's scientists have studied the role of the adrenal glands. At that time, Englishman Thomas Addison discovered a fatal disease caused by lesions of these glands, underlining their importance to the human body. Addison's Disease is a condition in which the [...]

2024-03-21T14:38:59+01:00March 20th, 2024|Tags: , |

How does it work?

How does it work? Oral corticosteroids are well absorbed by the body after ingestion (80%) and rapidly enter the blood stream (peak blood level is reached 1-2 hours after the dose is taken) Prednisone must be converted into prenisolone by the body in order to function. However, doctors often prescribe prednisone instead of [...]

2024-03-21T14:39:28+01:00March 20th, 2024|Tags: , |
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